I have been learning JavaScript for the last 6 months. I found some of the JavaScript courses that in my opinion are worth checking out. I recommend looking into these resources.
At the end of this article I will tell you how should you approach learning JavaScript using these resources.
1. FreeCodeCamp
( a ) This is my favorite tutorial and It provides a free certificate. It covers topics like javascript basics, OOP in JS, ES6, Regular Expressions, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures.
( b ) freecodecamp also provide JavaScript youtube tutorial for beginners where they teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language.
2. W3schools
They have a very nice way of teaching JavaScript here. W3schools teach JavaScript step by step. It also provides an explanation of built-in functions with numerous examples.
The best thing about W3schools is that it has try yourself
which lets you practice as you learn.
3. Codeacademy
It goes from basic to advanced level, It is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes for JavaScript, I highly recommend you take this course. I’d still stay this is a good one to try. It covers topics like function, scopes, object and also provide projects, quiz.
4. JavaScript info
This web-based tutorial focus on JavaScript only. I really love it because of the detailed explanation of every topic and task. Here you'll learn everything about JavaScript and web APIs in great detail.
Also, You will find some quiz questions on this platform. Taking those quizzes can enhance your learning tremendously.
5. MDN Docs
Mozilla Developer Network is more like documentation that developers can read and learn. Every topic is well explained but I personally liked DOM manipulation. I learn from here every single day. Here you will learn lots of examples explaining use cases.
6. Learn-js Website
You can find some project-based interactive tutorial that’s best for learning, like the Flashcard application.
7. Github Repository
Github repos are good resources to learn JavaScript. It also teaches you to understand code written by someone else.
a. Airbnb JavaScript
b. 33 JS concepts
c. wtf js
8. Namaste JavaScript Series
It is a great series by Akshay Saini. He covers the working of JS in detail. His lectures have really good feedback. They are best for JavaScript interview preparation.
9. Traversy Media Youtube channel
This Playlist by Traversy media is all in one JavaScript. This is beneficial for those who prefer learning by video lectures. It has lectured on every topic.
10. Learn ES6 by Mosh
This short tutorial teaches you newer features and syntax of JavaScript.
Knowing ES6 is must to develop modern applications in libraries/frameworks like React/Vue.
What should be your approach?
You don't have to learn these all to start building projects.
Your approach should be
Pick one course either FreeCodeCamp certification or video lecture.
Code as you watch the tutorial. Try solving basic coding problems.
Once you complete learning DOM manipulation, build small projects like Todo app, Quiz app, Random password generator, Typing Speed checker, etc. Link to some projects are listed below -
After all, you need a job most probably. To get a job you need to pass an interview.
For JS interview point of view, you should learn from Namaste JS series and JavaScript.info
I recommend giving 30-45 minutes daily to any one of these 2 resources.
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